If you want to run Keikai spreadsheet JSF demo in your local site, just check out the example project and follow its readme to run it in your environment. Then check those pages under http://localhost:8080/dev-ref/jsf


To understand this article, we assume you have know JSF and Java EE basic and have installed all required softwares to run an Java web application.

Start with a Maven Project

The following sections tell you how to setup a Maven project for working with Keikai in JSF.


Please create a Maven project by referencing the sample pom.xml which can save you lots of effort.

Notice that the dependency below is required:

  • You can visit Keikai Maven repository with a browser to know available Keikai version.
  • You might also need to add JSF related dependencies according to your application server.

Setup web.xml (optional)

  1. Please refer to Sample of web.xml.
    If your application use servlet 3.0, then you can skip this step.
  2. Add servlet mapping for JSF:

According to javadoc:

This servlet must automatically be mapped if it is not explicitly mapped in web.xml or web-fragment.xml and one or more of the following conditions are true. …

  • A faces-config.xml file is found in the META-INF directory of a jar in the application’s classpath.

Because keikai-jsf.jar contains a faces-config.xml, you don’t have to configure web.xml like below in most cases.

    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>

Trouble Shooting

If you have problem switching from the evaluation repository to the premium one, please check Trouble_Shooting.

Verify Your Project

After completing the above steps, preparation for working with Keikai and JSF is done. You can copy this simple page to your project. Then, deploy the project to your application server and visit the page to see if you can see Keikai in your browser.

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