Shift Cells

Shift a range of cells can be performed by calling shift() wit row and column offset:

range.shift(rowOffset, columnOffset)

You can also use CellOperationUtil.shift() which checks protection for you. The first Range object is your source range to be shifted. The second argument is row offset. If it’s positive, source range will be shifted down, otherwise it will be shifted up. The third argument is column offset. If it’s positive, source range will be shifted right, otherwise it will be shifted left.

Assume that we have selected a selected range of cells:

We want to move the selected cells 3 columns to the right, we can write the below code to shift it:

Range range = Ranges.range(spreadsheet.getSelectedSheet(), "F6:F10");
//move 3 columns to the right
CellOperationUtil.shift(range, 0, 3);

The result will be like:

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