Just like other ZK components, you can control Spreadsheet via its APIs programmatically and register event listeners to act on specific events in order to perform customized business logic. Besides that, its model classes (io.keikai.api.model.Book and io.keikai.api.model.Sheet) and utility classes (io.keikai.api.Ranges and io.keikai.api.Range) can be used to change Spreadsheet’s book model and the UI will be updated automatically. With above API, you can customize Spreadsheet furthermore upon your requirement. Besides, you can create your own customized functions in Java and use them as other built-in functions.

In addition to run a standalone Spreadsheet, you can also integrate Spreadsheet with your back-end server databases and resources easily. Moreover, You can make cells reference to another Spreadsheet’s data model, the back-end JavaBeans, and Spring-managed beans. So, any changes on the back-end data will automatically reflect on Spreadsheet.

In the following sections, we will show you the capability of Spreadsheet API under ZK framework including how to control the Spreadsheet component, how to register event listeners, and how to hande Spreadsheet data model. Actually, those APIs about handling data model can also be used in JSP and JSF.

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